Back to school time is upon us, and we understand just how hectic this time can truly be. From trying to make new friends, trying to afford books, and now making sure to write down all of your online classes, September is known to be the most chaotic time of the year for most people. This is why it’s important to take some time and create a space that is comfortable and safe for you!

University Edge has now launched a Pinterest page! This page is dedicated to hacks, bedroom ideas, and even inspirational quotes to get you through the week.

At University Edge, we understand the stress of classes and work. Having leasing consultants that are also in school helps us understand the wants and needs of our residents a bit better. This is why we took the time to come up with a page dedicated to helping our residents in a way that is accessible to anyone. Take some time to check out our page, and send us some feedback!

Make sure to follow us on all social media platforms @UEdgeAkron for any updates!


University Edge Staff