Off-Campus Housing Information For Parents

The Resident Edge
Is your child looking at off-campus housing in the Akron area? Many University of Akron students love living at University Edge. Below is what makes our Akron off-campus housing different from the rest! Have more questions? Check out our FAQ sheet.
Happy apartment hunting!
Experienced Team Members
Our core team members have dedicated their entire careers to quality student housing. We know what it takes to provide an exceptional experience for our residents, so we hire the best. At our communities, we’re available 24/7 for any emergencies and provide interactive solutions that make paying rent or submitting maintenance requests as easy as the click of a button.

Your Lease
Another reason Campus Advantage is the company of choice for student housing is our individual lease structure. Gone are the days of worrying whether a roommate will pay his rent — our leases are set per person. That means extra peace of mind for you and more focus on school for your student.
360-Degree Service
From roommate-matching services to cutting-edge technology packages to custom-designed furniture, Campus Advantage provides a 360-degree approach to making life easier for you and your student. Our experienced staff members carefully match students to potential roommates through personal profile cards, a process we consider important to a student’s happiness. Likewise, the technology and furniture packages are important for creating an atmosphere conducive to your student’s success in school.